Zen and the Arts
Loch’rien is the name of the song-writing team of Andrew Sono Tootell and Annie Quirk-Tootell. The name is a homage to their celtic roots. Andrew and Annie produced their first CD in 1996 and continue to write songs together. The themes of their songs cover all your favourite topics: relationships, journeys, quests, love & loss, death, environment, and existential themes.

The 7 Chakras: Kate Koch
Many traditions have long recognized the complex system of subtle energy centers in the human body called Chakras, which is Sanskrit for “wheel” or “circle.” Vedic, Taoism, and Buddhism are among these traditions. Practitioners of these traditions have learned to cultivate and open the chakra system through dedicated yoga and meditation practice. I was inspired to paint the chakras from the emotional viewpoint and the symbolic meanings attributed to them, including their rainbow colours.
There are 7 collage paintings, on a A4 size journal which I photographed and edited into a short video. My accompaniment piano music is meditative, spacious and composed around a pentatonic scale, inspired by the music of Gurdjieff, a 20th century mystic who encouraged his students to dance and play music while developing mindfulness.

In this area of the website OzZen members are welcome to share artistic work (the visual arts, music, poetry & prose) inspired by Zen Buddhism or other forms of secular or religious spirituality. Please email your contributions to Sono.
If you found our talks or meditations helpful, please consider donating here.
(These donations are for teachings only.
To make a donation towards the ongoing existence of OzZen as an organisation please make a direct deposit into our bank account).