- The annual fee for membership is $30.
- Membership runs for one Calendar year and falls due in January each year.
- By paying your membership fee for the year you thereby consent to be bound by the rules of the Association (see Constitution) for the duration of your membership.
You can pay by
- direct deposit into the OzZen bank account, or
- with a credit card using our online form
Pay by direct deposit
Please pay your membership fees or general contributions for rent etc into the OzZen bank account. (You can also use this account to make donations to OzZen).
Name of account: OzZen
BSB: 533000
Account number: 02052963
Reference: Membership and your name
Pay with credit card
If you found our talks or meditations helpful, please consider donating here.
(These donations are for teachings only.
To make a donation towards the ongoing existence of OzZen as an organisation please make a direct deposit into our bank account).